Give your Facebook page a friendly "Vanity URL"
Submitted by Ed on 25 May, 2011 - 15:53
All the major Facebook pages have neat personalised URLs, such as:
- Lady Gaga
- Just Bieber
- Britney Spears
...where as your page may still have an long URL like this:
So how do you get a vanity URL for your page? Well there are two easy steps:
- Get 25 fans - pages with less than 25 fans aren't allowed vanity URLs, so invite all your friends, and place a link on your website encouraging your visitors to like you on Facebook
- Go to - Facebook keeps this page fairly well hidden away, but once there just select your page from the dropdown and you'll be able to set your URL from there. Be careful though: you can only set your URL once, so triple check your spelling!